Elizabeth River Project (“ERP” or “Owner”) is seeking proposals from interested and qualified contractors for the installation of a 591-linear foot by 25-foot wide (roughly 15,000 square feet) vegetated Riparian Buffer and stone dust pathway along Mayflower Road in Norfolk, VA to help capture and treat stormwater runoff and stagnant flood water before it enters the Knitting Mill Creek. ERP encourages SWAM (Small, Woman and Minority Owned) Businesses to apply.
Mayflower Road is a two-lane residential road that parallels the entire eastern shoreline of Knitting Mill Creek (KMC). Along the northern section of Mayflower Road, the shoreline is well protected by a solid concrete bulkhead. Throughout Mayflower Road, the open area between the roadway and the shoreline lacks ground cover due to frequent flooding and heavily compacted soils unsuitable for plant growth. During heavy rain events, the stormwater sheet flows directly into KMC, bringing several contaminants from the road into the creek. By amending the compacted soil and adding a vegetated buffer, stormwater can be filtered slowly, resulting in fewer contaminants in the waterway. The healthy soil and plants will also help soak up water to alleviate the severe flooding the street currently experiences. The property is owned by the City of Norfolk. Funding for services comes from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Small Watershed Grants Program.
The Elizabeth River Project, with the support of the City of Norfolk, Wetlands Watch, and partners such as Virginia The Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) and community members, collaborated on a Riparian Buffer to continue to alleviate flooding and address stormwater runoff and water quality in Norfolk’s Knitting Mill Creek watershed. The project was planned in three phases: phase one was completed in fall of 2024, and this solicitation is for installation of phases two and three. The design and plant palate for all three phases and a map of the project area are in Appendix A. Photos of the completed phase one and the site for the remaining area are in Appendix B.
The project area consists of a 591-foot-long by 25-foot-wide area between Mayflower Road and a concrete bulkhead abutting Knitting Mill Creek. Much of the site regularly floods, causing the soil to be extremely compacted and unsuitable for plant growth. Some areas do not flood as often and have turf cover.
During phase 1 of the project that was completed in 2023, the entire section was barren. The top 6-12 inches of compacted soil were excavated and removed and replaced with BMP soil mix (50% clean sand, 30% lawn and leaf compost, 20% topsoil). The pathway was edged with aluminum edging, with a 3-4” underlayment of #57 stone covered in 1- 2” of stone dust. A jute mesh blanket was laid over the planting area and secured with landscaping staples.
For the project being solicited, the same or equivalent materials should be used as in phase 1. The current project floods less than phase 1 and has more vegetation, but the soil is still very compacted. Therefore, it may require less excavation than phase 1, but some level of excavation, tillage, and/or other site prep will be required for the whole project area. There are at least 6 trees throughout the project area that should not be disturbed at least 3’ on any side of the canopy line. Plants will be installed by ERP with volunteers, so contractors should not include an estimate for planting in their proposals.
The work under the contract awarded from this solicitation will include all labor and equipment required to complete all items of work necessary or required for the project. Materials for the project will be purchased by ERP to take advantage of nonprofit tax exemption unless it’s not feasible. Only new materials will be accepted for use on the project.
Laws and Regulations. The contractor shall comply with all Commonwealth and City Code, Regulations, and Approvals required. The contractor must be licensed as required by the Laws of Virginia. The contractor will coordinate work with the City of Norfolk, Elizabeth River Project and adjacent property owners to ensure that uses of the adjacent properties are not adversely affected.
Subcontractors and Suppliers. The Contractor shall, at the execution of the contract, notify the ERP in writing of the names of subcontractors proposed for parts of the work and shall not employ any that the Elizabeth River Project may, within a reasonable time, object to as incompetent or unfit. The contractor shall also notify the ERP of any Supplier who is anticipated to provide more than $5,000 of materials to be temporarily used or permanently incorporated into the Project.
Necessary Details, Not Specifically Mentioned. All work called for in the specifications and not shown on the plans or shown on the plans and not called for in the specifications shall be furnished and executed by the contractor as if designed in both these ways. Should any works or materials be required that are not denoted on the plans and specifications either directly or indirectly, but which are nevertheless necessary for the proper carrying out of the intent thereof, it is understood and agreed that the same is implied and required and the contractor shall perform such work and furnish such materials as fully as if they were completely delineated and described.
Should any detail be omitted from the drawings or specifications, or should any errors appear in either, it shall be the duty of the contractor to notify the ERP. In no case shall the contractor proceed with the work without notifying and receiving definite instructions from the ERP. Work wrongly constructed without such notification shall be corrected by the contractor at his own cost.
Approved Equals. In all specifications where a material or article is defined by describing a proprietary product or by using the name of a vendor or manufacturer, it can be assumed that an approved equal can be substituted. The use of a named product is an attempt to set a particular standard of quality and type that is familiar to the ERP.
Such references are not intended to be restrictive. However, the ERP shall decide if a product does in fact meet or exceed the quality of the specifications listed in the solicitation. It shall be the responsibility of the vendor that claims his product is equal to provide documentation to support such a claim.
Changes In Work. The Owner, without invalidating the contract, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding or deducting from the work with the contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, except that any claim for the extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. The value of any such extra work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways:
By estimate and acceptance of lump sum.
By unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed upon.
Protect existing utilities, paving, walls, and any other facilities from damages caused by operations associated with the Project. Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by the property owner or others. The Contractor is responsible for any and all damages to existing facilities and subsequent damages resulting from damage or disruption to existing facilities and utilities.
Dewater the Project site prior to, and during, the Project as necessary until the work concludes.
Parking and Storage: Limited parking is available at the site for employees and equipment.
Utilities and Services: Electrical, water, and restrooms are unavailable at the project site.
Fence the perimeter of the active Project site with orange construction fence at the conclusion of each workday.
All driveway and parking areas must be clear and useable on Friday evenings after 4:00 pm, Saturdays, and Sundays. In addition, property owners must be notified at least 24 hours in advance if vehicle access to their property will be blocked. Efforts should be made to minimize the occurrence of inaccessible driveways.
A Selection Committee will review and evaluate proposals based on the requirements outlined in section 5.3 below. The Elizabeth River Project and the Selection Committee reserve the right to reject any or all proposals for any or no reason without stating the reason and reserve the right to negotiate contract terms with one or more Contractors without reopening the bid process. In addition, The Elizabeth River Project reserves the right to negotiate a modified scope of work with the successful Contractor.
All Bid Proposals and documents submitted therewith shall become the property of The Elizabeth River Project. The Elizabeth River Project shall have the ability to use the same for any purpose without cost and shall have no obligation to return the same to any Contractor. In addition, The Elizabeth River Project shall have no obligation to compensate any Contractor for any costs or expenses associated with the preparation or submission of any proposal, or in connection with any interviews or meetings with The Elizabeth River Project, the Selection Committee or others concerning the Project.
The selected Contractor will be required to enter into an agreement with ERP. The selection of a Contractor confers no property right or other right on the Contractor. Failure of the selected Contractor to timely enter into the agreement shall, at the sole discretion of ERP, be deemed to disqualify the selected Contractor from the Project.
6.1. Selection Committee: A Selection Committee appointed by the ERP will evaluate each Contractor’s proposal. The Selection Committee will consist of technical experts and non-technical members. It may also include employees of the ERP and legal advisors. The Selection Committee may consult with others or use any appropriate resources to aid in evaluating the submittals.
6.2. The Elizabeth River Project Point of Contact: The Elizabeth River Project’s sole Point of Contact (POC) for matters related to the RFQ shall be Samantha Miller. All communications with the POC about the project or this RFQ shall be in writing via email. Contact information for The Elizabeth River Project POC is provided below.
Mrs. Samantha Miller
The Elizabeth River Project 4610 Colley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23508 smiller@elizabethriver.org
The Elizabeth River Project disclaims the accuracy of information derived from any source other than the Elizabeth River Project POC and using any such information is at the sole risk of the Contractor.
6.3.Selection Criteria: A Project Selection Committee will review the proposals. The evaluation of contractor qualifications will be based on the following considerations: cover letter, estimated cost, experience with successful similar projects, qualifications of project team, and safety.
6.3.1. Cover Letter: Items to be included in/with the Cover Letter include 1) official representative and point of contact for the contractor relative to this RFP. Identify such representative’s title, address, phone numbers, and email addresses. The letter should be signed by an authorized representative of the contractor’s organization. 2) A copy of the contractor’s License and Certificate of Insurance or proof of insurance. 3) The cover letter should reference in the subject line: Mayflower Riparian Buffer Installation
6.3.2. Estimated Cost: Present a cost estimate for the installation of the project design in Appendix A. Because ERP will purchase materials to the extent possible to take advantage of nonprofit tax-exempt status, contractors should include itemized material costs in their estimate but in a separate section should some materials need to be purchased by the contractor. The award will be made to the contractor whose Proposal represents the best value to ERP, as determined in ERP’s sole discretion. Contractors are strongly encouraged to review the Design Documents carefully.
6.3.3. Experience with Similar Projects: Describe the firm’s experience with installation of riparian plantings or similar landscaping practices. Provide examples of up to three active or past projects that are similar to the project being solicited. Please prepare a succinct summary of each project with the following information: project name, location, description, illustrations or photos, cost, and reference contact information. Please indicate the whether the project was completed on time and within budget and any cost control efficiencies achieved by the contractor.
6.3.4. Personnel/Firm Qualifications: Present a list of key staff who will work on this project, indicating years of landscape installation experience and any relevant certifications held by key team members such as Chesapeake Bay Landscaping Professional Level 1 or 2. Describe any potential conflicts of interest in conducting this project. Identify whether your firm is a licensed SWAM Business. Please indicate if your company is on the Federal Debarment List or in the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS).
6.3.5. Safety Record: Contractors shall provide sufficient information to enable ERP to understand and evaluate the contractor’s capability to provide a safe working environment for all individuals associated with the project, including the public. The contractor and any proposed subcontractors shall provide a complete Safety Criteria Questionnaire (provided in Appendix C). The selected contractor will be responsible for the health and safety of all workers under their control on the project site.
6.3.6. Insurance Requirements: The contractor shall provide a Certificate of Insurance showing they maintain at all times during the term of this agreement, the following policies of insurance:
COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE (“CGL”) with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. CGL will cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and liability assumed under insured contract.
WORKER’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE providing coverage as required by applicable Federal and, or, States’ statutes, and Employer’s Liability Insurance. The limits of such policies will be at least $500,000 per accident/disease, and policy limit of $500,000.
AUTOMOBILE/MOTOR VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE with a limit of not less than $2 million combined single limit; or, Bodily Injury $1,000,000 each person, $2,000,000 accident, and Property Damage $100,000 each accident. Such insurance must cover liability arising from any motor vehicle as defined by Commonwealth of Virginia laws and must include coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned motor vehicles, as well as uninsured and underinsured motorists.
PROFESSIONAL/ERRORS & OMISSIONS LIABILITY INSURANCE that will protect the Contractor against legal liability from alleged negligence or errors and omissions, including personal injury, which may arise from the performance of the Contractor’s duties and obligations under this contract, and for two years thereafter, whether such operations be by the Contractor, the Contractor’s staff, or by any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The minimum acceptable limits of liability to be provided by such Professional Liability Insurance are $1,000,000 each claim, $2,000,000 aggregate.
CONTRACTOR’S POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE with limits of at least $1,000,000 covering any sudden and/or non-sudden pollution or impairment of the environment, including clean-up and defense costs, that arise from the operations within the scope of this agreement.
The Contractor’s General Liability insurance policy shall name the Elizabeth River Project, its staff and board members as additional insured. All policies of insurance shall be written by insurance companies licensed to conduct the business of insurance in Virginia
Interested contractors are invited to submit proposals including all requested information in the order specified in section 5.3. Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format to smiller@elizabethriver.org by end of business day February 28th, 2025. Technical questions must be submitted by email by February 15th, 2025. Answers to questions will be summarized and distributed to all bidding Contractors not less than five (5) days before the bid submission date. Late submissions will not be rejected without opening, consideration, or evaluation. Proposals should not exceed 10 pages and failure to meet this page limit may disqualify the Contractor from the evaluation process.
7.1.RFP Activities Schedule: Please note that the schedule may change for any reason without notice. If a contractor cannot meet the mobilization date listed below, please indicate an alternative mobilization date in your proposal.
Activity | Date |
RFQ Advertised | January 24th, 2025 |
Technical questions due | February 15th, 2025 |
Technical question response posted | February 21st, 2025 |
Proposals due | End of business day February 28th, 2025 |
Board approval request | March 17th, 2025 |
Notification of award | March 19th, 2025 |
This RFP is not a contract document and may not be relied upon to determine contract rights. The Elizabeth River Project and the selected contractor will enter into a Contractor Agreement to control the rights and obligations of the parties.
Appendix A. Design, Palette, Map
Appendix B. Project Photos
Appendix C. Safety Criteria Questionnaire