you can help restore the elizabeth river


Our River Needs You.

Brown Pelicans, once almost extinct, are now back on the Elizabeth River.
Dolphins, River Otters and Bald Eagles are returning, too.
Since 1993, generous supporters like you have helped us restore one of the nation’s most polluted rivers. But we have miles to go.
Will you join us in restoring the Elizabeth River right now?

Hear Our Story

Hear Our Story

It's In Our Nature

What We’re Doing

Through education and restoration, we’re reversing years of pollution and restoring the beautiful Elizabeth River.

What People Are Doing​

From becoming River Star Homes to volunteering and donating, people are taking the river’s health into their own hands.

What Businesses Are Doing​

Our proud River Star Businesses have joined the effort to do the right thing for the Elizabeth River.

What Cities Are Doing

From pollution control to wetlands restoration, cities are working to keep our hometown river clean.

Project Updates

Pru & Louis Ryan Resilience Lab

Now Open!

Wear Something Beautiful

Get a T-shirt with a $5 monthly donation!

What your money can do

Latest News

Keep up to date with everything that we’re doing to help the Elizabeth River.

“From my perspective, there’s been a dramatic change in how people perceive the river and how much they care about it. People are enthralled with it. They never tell me it’s dead anymore. They just want to know what they can do to help.”

– Marjorie Mayfield

Do something beautiful. Become a volunteer and help restore our river.

Work somewhere beautiful.Explore career opportunities and job openings here.