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Annual River Star Businesses Recognition Luncheon

Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 11:30am-2:00pm · Chesapeake conference center · register here


Without the help of our River Star Businesses, improving the health of the Elizabeth River would not be possible. We work hard to help businesses find the grants, expertise and resources they need to reduce toxic pollution, improve flood control, and restore crucial wetlands and wildlife habitat. Facilities with significant opportunities to reduce pollution, restore or conserve habitat will benefit the most. Document voluntary results for peer review. Great for public recognition and employee morale. And Do Something Beautiful, too.

how it works

Every River Star Business enjoys:

Stellar Results Since 1997

Wildlife Habitat
+2583 acres
-391 Million POUNDS
-over 1 Billion pounds

Saluting our River Stars

Hall of Fame Winner River Star Business Projects

Norfolk Southern


Norfolk Southern’s shoreline at their Lambert’s Point site was falling into the river at an alarming rate. Instead of a traditional “armoring” approach to stopping the erosion, the company built a living shoreline, which stabilizes the banks and provides vital habitat for river life. Bonus – this more natural approach was 75 percent less costly to implement! Also at this site, Norfolk Southern reclaims stormwater for use in dust suppression, saving 1.5 million gallons of city water a month.

BAE Systems


The inaugural River Star Hall of Fame winners have reduced millions of pounds through energy sustainability projects and installed over 300 oyster reef blocks to create an oyster reef at their site. The oysters filter the water while also providing valuable habitat on the main stem of the Elizabeth River.

Old Dominion University


ODU joined River Star Businesses back in 2004. Now there’s hardly a green practice that can’t be found on the campus, from rain gardens, wetland restorations and underground cisterns to building efficiencies, green roofs and extensive Earth Day celebrations. The university’s 2021 installation of a “floating wetland” on campus is just one more example of the kind of environmental stewardship that got them into the Business River Star Hall of Fame.


To restore the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration with diverse communities, businesses, and governments.




Lady Fern's Native Plants
Chesapeake Parks, Recreation & Tourism
Virginia wesleyan university
Norfolk Environmental Stormwater Management
Norfolk Southern Corp. - Lamberts Point
Naval Station Norfolk
General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, Portsmouth Annex
Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Wheelabrator Portsmouth
Old Dominion University
Kinder Morgan/Elizabeth River Terminals
The Port of Virginia
BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair

Ryan Resilience Lab Event Request

Thank you for your interest in the Elizabeth River Project’s Ryan Resilience Lab. We’re delighted that our site is in high demand. As the Ryan Resilience Lab is operated by a small non-profit with a big environmental mission, please help us make sure your event is a great fit.

Our priority is to host groups with relevance to our mission: to restore the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration with diverse communities, governments, and businesses. When space and staff support are available, we are happy to host such groups free of charge, but do request that you consider an organizational membership and allow us to offer the opportunity for individual memberships.

Please fill this form out at least 30 days in advance of the event.

Our maximum for indoor seated events is 85 theater style and 45 classroom style. For standing receptions, the maximum is 100 indoors or 125 indoor-outdoor.
(restoring the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration) and Ryan Resilience Lab (environmental resilience to sea level rise)
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Start Time(Required)
End Time(Required)
Set Up Time
Take Down Time
Set Up Preferences(Required)
Check all that apply
Audio/Visual Needs(Required)
Check all that apply

If given the go-ahead for our event, sponsor organization agrees to these Ryan Lab policies:

Yes, we will offer attendees the option to tour the Ryan Lab(Required)
Yes, we will join the Elizabeth River Project as a dues-paying organization at a level commensurate with our size and the nature of our operations.
Please see member benefits for further information:

Additionally, sponsor organization agrees to these administrative/liability requirements:

  • ERP maintains insurance for its activities at the Ryan Lab. Sponsoring organizations should ensure that they have appropriate insurance coverage as well.
  • Weapons are prohibited.
  • Open flames generally are prohibited (special permission only).
  • Outdoor guests will be required to exit the Learning Park during thunder, lightning, high winds or any circumstance deemed hazardous by ERP.
  • Waiver of Claims: Sponsoring organizations agree to release, waive all claims, discharge, and covenant not to sue Elizabeth River Project, its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from liability from any and all claims resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in the event and related tours, due to the negligence of sponsor, sponsor's employees, or event participants.
  • Notice of Claims: Sponsor agrees to provide immediate notice to ERP if any participant either files, or threatens to file, a claim arising from or related to the event, so that ERP can notify its insurance carriers.
  • COVID Statement: Participants will monitor their own health prior to reporting to any Elizabeth River Project event/activity. If any signs or symptoms of infection are present, the individual must not report to the event.
  • Photo Release: Photos of the event may be shared as part of grant reporting or posted on Elizabeth River Project website/social media unless otherwise specified by the sponsor organization.
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Youth Water Monitoring Results

Entry Data

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Sample Data



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