This system is functional at both residential and commercial scales and can easily be retrofitted.
An easy DIY project!
$100 – $500
Bushman 130 gal Rainwater Harvesting Slimline Tank (commercial only)
Lowe’s or Home Depot frequently stock rain barrels, and you can make your own with recycled materials!
Residents of Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, or any city that has a Soil and Water Conservation District, are eligible for $4/gallon cost-sharing on rain barrels through the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP). The city of Norfolk offers at 10% reduction of stormwater fees for rain barrels through the Stormwater Fee Reduction Program.
Explore more of the Ryan Lab’s Green Systems and take the first step towards a greener future!
Thank you for your interest in the Elizabeth River Project’s Ryan Resilience Lab. We’re delighted that our site is in high demand. As the Ryan Resilience Lab is operated by a small non-profit with a big environmental mission, please help us make sure your event is a great fit.
Our priority is to host groups with relevance to our mission: to restore the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration with diverse communities, governments, and businesses. When space and staff support are available, we are happy to host such groups free of charge, but do request that you consider an organizational membership and allow us to offer the opportunity for individual memberships.
Please fill this form out at least 30 days in advance of the event.