Online Resilience Education Database

Our free online database is filled with hundreds of documents, videos, photographs, studies, news articles and more. Now, you can explore the river from any device, anytime!

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Real time NASA Satellite Imagery & Data

Enjoy browsing NASA global satellite imagery, interactive maps, and data in real time! Customize your map by adding different data layers or events (wildfires, hurricanes, coastlines etc.) Use the Add Layers button to select from hundreds of possible data categories.

Norfolk Academy Solar Panels Data

View real time data on energy produced, today’s energy balance, cost and carbon savings from Norfolk Academy’s solar panels.

Norfolk Academy Solar News Article

Article written by a Norfolk Academy student on the solar panel installation

Financing for Solar Energy

Information of financing solar energy, whether a nonprofit, business, or on a home.  Included template documents, town hall files, and information on schools going solar.

VA Beach Opportunity Fund

Virginia Beach Case Study on Ruth McElroy Amundsen’s Opportunity Fund.  Includes direct quotes, statistics, and background information.

NOAA’s U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit.

A collection of data, case studies, and information on climate and resilience for educators.  Includes educational videos, graphs, maps, and more on climate risks, vulnerabilities, and actions.

Hampton Roads Student Projects – Schoolyard Impact

Local students OWN IT.  Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) students recently participated in the Our Watershed Needs Identified for Today and Tomorrow (OWN-ITT) competition. Case Studies including story maps of ArcGis data and interactive maps and research done by students at Kellam HS, Princess Anne MS, and Bayside ES on their schoolyard impact on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.   

Pace Alliance – Commercial property Assessed Clean Energy

Downloadable PDFs on C-PACE (Commercial property Assessed Clean Energy) for the Mid-Atlantic Region. C-PACE is a financing mechanism for owners of commercial property to fund energy-related property improvements with no upfront costs.

Mothers Out Front – Energy Efficiency

Mothers Out Front conducts workshops to help low income neighborhoods save energy and save on utility bills with Equitable Energy Efficiency (EEE) campaign, also developed pipelines web sites.

Solar United Neighbors Resources

Learn about the issues involving Solar Energy and policies. Topics include Net Metering, Solar & Electric Vehicles, Tax & Energy Credits, Community Solar Projects, and Energy Grid Reform.

Solar Services Resources

Learn more about solar energy, photovoltaic cells, and the process of a home or business going solar.

Norfolk Solar Contact

The Opportunity Zone Fund hires residents of the OZs to be trained as solar installers and work on the installation jobs in those neighborhoods.  Follow the link to apply for free solar on your building, apply for a position, or volunteer.

Norfolk Solar Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund

As part of the national Qualified Opportunity Zone program, which incentivizes investment in low-income areas, a fund in Norfolk has started up, the Norfolk Solar Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund, which will install solar on businesses and non-profits in Opportunity Zones for free.

Oyster Recovery Partnership

Learn all about Oyster Recovery Partnership including shell recycling, aquaculture, resource management, monitoring, outreach and education.  Enjoy educational videos about oysters and oyster restoration, history of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay, and oyster fun facts.

CBF: Polluted Runoff in the Bay

Learn about the consequences of polluted runoff within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.  Students learn what it means for a landscape to either be a green filter or a gray funnel.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation Glossary

Glossary of the terms related to the Chesapeake Bay from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

Virginia Aquarium Conservation In Action

Learn about the Conservation Efforts the Virginia Aquarium does involving sea turtle hatchlings, fish eggs, coral restoration & repair, osprey hatchlings, frogwatch, marine debris/trash talking turtles, and water quality. Keep up to date by following the blogs along each conservation effort. Includes water quality interactive map!

NOAA’s Weather & Atmosphere Education Resources

Includes research, cases studies, data, charts, and background information on El Nino, Hurricanes, Space Weather Tornadoes, Weather Observations, and Weather Systems & Patterns.

NOAA’s Freshwater Education Resources

Includes research, cases studies, data, charts, and background information on Water Cycle, Great Lakes Ecoregion, and Watersheds, Flooding and Pollution.

NOAA’s Marine Life Education Resources.

Includes research, cases studies, data, charts, and background information on Aquatic Food Webs, Coral Reef Ecosystems, Life in an Estuary, Marine Mammals, and Sea Turtles.

Ryan Resilience Lab Event Request

Thank you for your interest in the Elizabeth River Project’s Ryan Resilience Lab. We’re delighted that our site is in high demand. As the Ryan Resilience Lab is operated by a small non-profit with a big environmental mission, please help us make sure your event is a great fit.

Our priority is to host groups with relevance to our mission: to restore the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration with diverse communities, governments, and businesses. When space and staff support are available, we are happy to host such groups free of charge, but do request that you consider an organizational membership and allow us to offer the opportunity for individual memberships.

Please fill this form out at least 30 days in advance of the event.

Our maximum for indoor seated events is 85 theater style and 45 classroom style. For standing receptions, the maximum is 100 indoors or 125 indoor-outdoor.
(restoring the Elizabeth River through equitable collaboration) and Ryan Resilience Lab (environmental resilience to sea level rise)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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If given the go-ahead for our event, sponsor organization agrees to these Ryan Lab policies:

Yes, we will offer attendees the option to tour the Ryan Lab(Required)
Yes, we will join the Elizabeth River Project as a dues-paying organization at a level commensurate with our size and the nature of our operations.
Please see member benefits for further information:

Additionally, sponsor organization agrees to these administrative/liability requirements:

  • ERP maintains insurance for its activities at the Ryan Lab. Sponsoring organizations should ensure that they have appropriate insurance coverage as well.
  • Weapons are prohibited.
  • Open flames generally are prohibited (special permission only).
  • Outdoor guests will be required to exit the Learning Park during thunder, lightning, high winds or any circumstance deemed hazardous by ERP.
  • Waiver of Claims: Sponsoring organizations agree to release, waive all claims, discharge, and covenant not to sue Elizabeth River Project, its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from liability from any and all claims resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in the event and related tours, due to the negligence of sponsor, sponsor's employees, or event participants.
  • Notice of Claims: Sponsor agrees to provide immediate notice to ERP if any participant either files, or threatens to file, a claim arising from or related to the event, so that ERP can notify its insurance carriers.
  • COVID Statement: Participants will monitor their own health prior to reporting to any Elizabeth River Project event/activity. If any signs or symptoms of infection are present, the individual must not report to the event.
  • Photo Release: Photos of the event may be shared as part of grant reporting or posted on Elizabeth River Project website/social media unless otherwise specified by the sponsor organization.
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Youth Water Monitoring Results

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